We’ll have a bigger impact as a group than we ever could as individuals. Indie Houses is all about working together for a common cause in a market dominated by players bigger than ourselves. Together we’ll have more negotiating power and may garner more attention from both our consumers and the media.
Our goal is to assist each other’s efforts in supporting the wider indie developer community. Our combined activity can benefit other indie developers in more ways than one. Be it bringing members together onboard an initiative, or something as simple as asking the group to sense-check something before it’s published, at Indie Houses we’ll always have each other’s backs.
It’s nice to know you’re part of a community where you can chat and share knowledge with other like-minded people you can trust. We’re all small companies, so having a larger community to talk and connect with is an invaluable asset for each and every one of us. You may encounter people facing the same problems you are and pick their brains for solutions or you might get a heads-up about a potentially dodgy company. It’s all about networking.